Ilaksh: A Philosophical Design for a Hypothetical Language

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Home 4 Case Morphology 9 Syntax
Introduction 5 Verb Morphology 10 Lexico-Semantics
1 Phonology 6 More Verb Morphology 11 The Writing System
2 Morpho-Phonology 7 Suffixes 12 The Number System
3 Basic Morphology 8 Adjuncts The Lexicon


These webpages present the grammar of an artificially constructed language, Ilaksh.  For those readers already familiar with my constructed language Ithkuil, this new language, Ilaksh, represents a revision of the Ithkuil language to allow easier pronunciation for those persons who have an interest in trying to speak Ithkuil but are daunted by the complex phonology (sound system).  The revision consists mostly of a simplification of the phonology of the language and a complete restructuring of the morpho-phonology.  While most of the morphology of the original Ithkuil remains intact, I have taken the opportunity to revise several morphological elements with which I’ve been less than satisfied. 

Like Ithkuil, the purpose of Ilaksh is to present a philosophical design for a hypothetical language featuring extreme morpho-phonological conciseness while overtly presenting a much deeper level of human cognition than is found in natural human languages, i.e., maximal communication of underlying cognitive intent coupled with maximal morpho-phonological efficiency.

The specific differences found in Ilaksh compared to Ithkuil are as follows:

I wish to thank all of those who have taken an interest in Ithkuil and who have patiently looked forward to Ilaksh. I hope you find the new site interesting. And I especially wish to thank Stanislav Kozlovskiy, whose 2004 article “The Speed of Thought” brought Ithkuil to the attention of so many people. Спасибо, Стас! Thanks also to Lexa Samons for his hard work in translating the original Ithkuil site into Russian.

                                                                              —John Quijada
                                                                             June, 2007

Proceed to Chapter 1: Phonology >>

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Home 4 Case Morphology 9 Syntax
Introduction 5 Verb Morphology 10 Lexico-Semantics
1 Phonology 6 More Verb Morphology 11 The Writing System
2 Morpho-Phonology 7 Suffixes 12 The Number System
3 Basic Morphology 8 Adjuncts The Lexicon

©2007-2009 by John Quijada. You may copy or excerpt any portion of the contents of this website provided you give full attribution to the author and this website.